Monday, April 30, 2012

Grade 1 (8 years old) drawings about helping the nature

This poster is made by pupils (grade 1 and their teacher Edīte) who are just the beginners. During the lesson of Nature Studies these pupil made sort of a comics- DON'T HURT THE NATURE. They drew and wrote what people should not do: 

1. Do not wash a car (any vehicle) in the river
2. Do not hurt a cat
3. Do not cut the trees
4. Do not throw the rubbish in the meadows
5. Do not throw the rubbish in the water
6. Do not damage the flower beds
7. Do not cut the tree bark
8. Do not cut branches
9. Do not set a fire in inappropriate places
10. Do not damage the bridges and plank ways
11. Do not drive in the meadows and fields


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